Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about your hearing symptoms? Or maybe improving your existing hearing aids? Find those answers and more here! If you don't find what you need here, please contact us.

I’m experiencing a sudden, significant drop in hearing in the last few days. My hearing is typically ok, but now I can barely hear or can’t hear from one of my ears. What should I do?
Get your hearing tested immediately. Worst case scenario, there is a chance that you may be experiencing Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). An otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) is the most appropriate physician to treat SSHL. An audiologist can test and confirm an SSHL, but you would still need to be referred afterward to an ENT. Time is the essence when trying to treat a sudden hearing loss.
Is a doctor’s referral needed to see you?
A doctor’s referral is only needed for a diagnostic hearing test if you have Medicare Part B (Traditional Medicare) or an insurance plan that requires a doctor’s referral.
Otherwise, if you don’t have your doctor’s referral when it is required, you can still have your hearing tested, but you will have to pay for it out-of-pocket. For hearing aid evaluations, no referrals are needed.
Please check your insurance coverage to determine eligibility. You can also contact us with your insurance info, and we will be more than happy to help.
Does insurance cover hearing care?
Hearing care coverage varies widely with each insurance plan. In recent years, more coverage is becoming available. Some may have a specified coverage, while some may just offer a discount plan.
The only way to know is to call your insurance company to check eligibility.
We would be more than happy to help you with this process. Please contact us for help.
Will I be able to hear like normal hearing with hearing aids?
Hearing aids do not restore your hearing, but they can surely help. While hearing aids make sound more audible and communication easier, the success of hearing treatment is dependent on a combination of how well the hearing aid fits, how much residual hearing you have left, the individual’s cognitive capacity to process the new, amplified sounds, and the expectations set on hearing treatment.
Will there be any surprise bills or charges at your office?
No surprises here. You will receive a notification if there are any potential charges before any service is performed and/or any item is ordered. We will also allow you as much time as needed to consider before moving forward.
How much do hearing aids cost?
For one single hearing device, it can range from around $800 up to $3,200. If you need a pair of devices, then double it. Insurance coverage may reduce costs if there are any hearing benefits.
The wide range of costs depend on the technology level and also what services are included. Most places follow the traditional bundled pricing model, in which the price consists of the devices and all the ongoing services for the life of the devices. On the opposite end, a few places use an unbundled pricing model in which every item and service are separately charged as needed, similar to a pay-as-you-go style or a’ la carte.
And some places use a hybrid-pricing model, which combines attributes of both pricing models. A portion of the care may be bundled, and then ongoing follow-up care may be unbundled. Ample Hearing uses a hybrid pricing model. The services we know you need are bundled, and any additional services you can purchase as needed.
What hearing aid brands do you carry?
We work will most of the top major hearing aid manufacturers: Oticon, Starkey, Widex, Signia, Unitron, Phonak, Resound, and Sonic.
Do hearing aid brands matter?
Sometimes. While any major hearing aid brand can help the majority of hearing problems, certain brands may have a unique solution to specific problems.
What’s more important than the brand itself is how well the hearing instruments are programmed and how well the patient understands the effective use of the technology. The best and most expensive brand can be useless if not physically and acoustically fitted using best practices and/or the patient cannot handle the device correctly.
I have hearing aids purchased from somewhere else, but I am still struggling. Can it be improved?
We do offer hearing aid programming services. Start by calling your current hearing care provider for an appointment to figure out why you are struggling. If the problem persists, we are more than happy to help.
What is the turnaround time after I order hearing aids?
Non-custom orders typically take 2-5 business days. Custom orders typically take 7-14 business days. Each manufacturer’s shipping time can vary based on supply availability, especially now post-pandemic.
How long does it take to get used to hearing aids?
It depends on factors such as the severity and duration of your hearing loss, your sound tolerance level, how well the hearing instruments were fitted. Similar to adapting to new eyeglasses, your brain usually takes several weeks to get accustomed to the new sounds. Think of the first few weeks as a training period or an auditory workout for your brain. Patience and a positive mindset are essential for successful hearing treatment.
What if I’m not satisfied with my hearing aids?
No sweat. If it doesn’t work out, there is a 30-day Hearing Happiness policy (starting from the fitting date) where patients can choose from the following two options if not satisfied:
- Exchange to another set and try the new set for another 30-day trial period until satisfied.
- Return for credit. Patients will receive a refund for almost the entire cost of the hearing aids. We retain a small service fee of $250.
We will work with you to make sure you’ll have a great experience either way.