Hearing Aids
Turn Life Back On
Hearing aids have come a long way. They are now smaller, sleeker, and smarter. With so many new exciting technologies available, where do you even start? How do you get the most out of your investment? Our experienced audiologist will guide you to find the appropriate style, technology level, and then fit them precisely to your prescription using best practices.
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Finding the Right Hearing Aids
When it comes to hearing selection, there are many things to consider:
- Style - Hearing aids come in many form factors. For each brand, there are at least eight different styles. The two main categories are custom in-the-ear styles and the behind-the-ear styles. Both categories are also available in many different sizes. The style that’s appropriate will depend on your hearing loss configuration, dexterity, and your unique ear anatomy profile.
- Technology level - Each brand has 4 or 5 tiers of technology from the most basic up to the fully-featured premium tier, and several tiers in between. In general, the higher tiered technology will cost more but will also have more features that makes it easier to hear in challenging environments such as in noisy places, windy outdoors, speech from different directions, music, in the car, etc. The higher level technology also have more flexibility to adjust the sounds specifically for your hearing loss.
- Budget - There’s a wide range of prices, from $1,500 a pair up to more than $6,000. The average price for a pair of hearing aids are in the $4,000 range depending on the brand. Prices include the hearing instruments, along with all the services such as professional fitting, follow up visits, troubleshooting, programming, cleanings, annual checkups, and more. If budget is the most important factor, we can help you find more affordable options that can still be effective.
Hearing Aids Fitting Using Best Practices
Hearing technology is an integral part of the hearing treatment. Treatment success requires not only appropriate technology, but more importantly a proper fitting by the hearing care provider. The most sophisticated technology can be useless if not fitted properly. The only way to know if the devices are truly meeting your prescription is through a best practice procedure called Real-Ear Measurements.
Real-Ear Measurements or Live Speech Mapping is the gold standard for hearing aid fittings. It involves a specialized equipment that is operated by a skillful provider. In short, the provider carefully places a tiny probe wire deep inside the ear, along with the hearing aids. The probe wire measures the actual hearing aid performance in real time to check if the hearing aid output is meeting your hearing loss requirement or not. The provider can then adjust the hearing aids precisely to meet your prescription. The result is improved audibility and happier hearing patients.

Your Hearing, Your Options
We work with a variety of the most reputable hearing aid brands.
As an independent practice, we are not partial to any one particular brand. We recommend based on each individual’s hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget. Each brand has its own unique take on how hearing should be processed. We keep current on the evolving technology through continuing education & training, so we can help you find the most optimal solution based on your needs.
We will occasionally host special testing events so people can test out the latest technology from each manufacturer. Follow us on Facebook to be alerted on special upcoming events!
Start Your Hearing Journey
At Ample Hearing, we’re committed to following best practices to ensure optimal results. We'll help you find the most appropriate hearing solution and fit them precisely to your hearing loss. Contact us today to start your hearing wellness journey.
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